
You know that I am having a problem with Sancta Papa lately… ever since he palled around with Abbas talking about a two-state solution (which I think is utter madness). Now, I’m seeing in the news that he said about Don Trump – “Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build.”


This particular Sancta Papa did not build these walls around Vatican City, but he lives in there I think. Easy to tell people not to build walls when you already have walls of this quality built in.

Take a Tour of the Area Surrounding Vatican City, an entirely Walled Enclave >

It’s bad for us to have walls though… WTF?


Lately, I’d say the last 10-20 years, I have been noticing a tendency. People who are in certain, very safe, very privileged situations telling, ordering, others who are not in the same situation at all to do this or that. They usually base their views and solutions on theory, not on anything that has worked for them or anyone else they know, just theory, because these people have never had an experience even close to the people they are ordering about.

Sancta Papa is no exception to this rule. It seems he wants to be, but inevitably falls back into saying whatever old, safe, nonsense that has never worked: Like the two-state solution.

The question is, why do we think they would know how to do anything?