Godspeed Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter was a great guy, but this picture below sends chills. Israel lost Sinai in this photo, they gave up land for peace, but have had no peace.

The Camp David Accords

They did get a little peace with Egypt, but it looks like it setup the strife that has followed since. Nice thought, although it did not work out all that well. Sinai is mostly a wasteland, as well as a doorway (due to the tunnels along the border) for goods, arms, and I heard zoo animals to get into Gaza.


By 1979, the United States had successfully negotiated the Egypt–Israel peace treaty: the Egyptians recognized Israel as a sovereign state, recognized the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba as international waterways, and agreed to demilitarize along Israel’s border. In exchange, Israel agreed to withdraw all civilians and soldiers from the Sinai Peninsula and return it to Egypt. On 25 April 1982, Israel’s withdrawal concluded and Egypt has since left the Sinai Peninsula demilitarized, marking the first instance of peace between Israel and an Arab country.